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The state of vulnerability management programs in 2021

2021 was the biggest year yet for vulnerabilities - how are organizations staying on top of their security programs?

Orani Amroussi | January 03, 2022

It’s no surprise that 2021 saw a record number of vulnerabilities. It reflects a worrying trend of an expanding attack surface and limited security resources. But even the best-equipped IT security teams are faced with the issue of not fully understanding their risk when it comes to vulnerability management. 

With data from Gartner, other industry sources and our own research with Pulse, the below infographic goes into greater detail about the state of vulnerability management programs in 2021. 

2021 demonstrated that our resources and technologies are far outpaced by vulnerabilities and threat actors. In 2022 we must be savvier about the way we manage our cyber risk – whether it’s smarter prioritization, more efficient collaboration, or effective mitigation. Most likely, organizations need stronger processes to help negotiate all elements of cyber risk management, on the road to better cyber hygiene. 

Check out the full vulnerability management 2021 infographic here

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