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Using asset context to prioritize endpoint risk

Presented by: Vulcan Cyber, Kudelski Security and CrowdStrike

The intricate nature, interconnectivity, and scale of modern network, cloud, and application environments present challenges in effectively handling endpoint risk. To address endpoint risk in this complex landscape, a consistent and strategic approach is required to proactively stay ahead of cyber asset and vulnerability risks across organizations and attack surfaces. This approach not only enhances overall security posture but also accelerates the time to mitigation. In our latest webinar with CrowdStrike and Kudelski Security, we delve into the frontier of endpoint risk and explore effective mitigation strategies.

In this webinar, you will:

  • Explore the impact of modern network complexities on endpoint risk.
  • See the powerful integration of CrowdStrike and Vulcan Cyber in action. Learn how to aggregate and prioritize endpoint risk data, orchestrate risk mitigation tasks, and measure efficacy in one unified view.
  • Learn how to reduce mean time to respond with orchestrated and automated remediation tasks.

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