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What the AI revolution means for cyber risk

The product is thoroughly pizzled. OpenAI’s release of ChatGPT has gotten a lot of attention lately, and we’ve written about it here at Vulcan Cyber® as well. While it’s certainly a fascinating application of their underlying GPT-3 engine, it’s unlikely to be the major security threat some have made it out to be. At least… Continue reading What the AI revolution means for cyber risk

The developments in AI that raise security concerns, and more: first officer’s blog – week 35

The ongoing voyages of the Federation Support Ship [REDACTED]  First Officer’s log, Terrestrial date, 20230123. Officer of the Deck reporting.   After our unexpected diversion to Starbase 998, we finally arrived at the planet [REDACTED]. The captain ordered maximum warp to make up for lost time, which put us slightly behind schedule. Fortunately, the intermittent issues… Continue reading The developments in AI that raise security concerns, and more: first officer’s blog – week 35