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On the Microsoft Teams desktop app? Watch your credentials and tokens!

Last month, it was discovered that Microsoft Teams users could be leaving the doors open for malicious entities on their computers to access their credentials.  Here’s everything you need to know about the vulnerability, first discovered by the Vectra Protect team:  What is the vulnerability in the Microsoft Teams desktop app? The team recently uncovered… Continue reading On the Microsoft Teams desktop app? Watch your credentials and tokens!

An Instagram hack and the rise of purple teams: first officer’s blog – week 9

First Officer’s log, Terrestrial date, 20220818. Officer of the Deck reporting.    A great deal of our mission happens behind the scenes. It is the very nature of a support ship, after all. And this last cycle has been no exception. Though, it seems that more of our mission has been behind the scenes this last… Continue reading An Instagram hack and the rise of purple teams: first officer’s blog – week 9