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PoS terminal security and more: first officer’s blog – week 24

First Officer’s log, Terrestrial date, 20221104. Officer of the Deck reporting.   With the impending release of the communications system update by [REDACTED] to the subspace communications network, we repositioned the ship to be ready to render assistance wherever needed. As expected, the update was distributed on time. At least, as expected when dealing with the… Continue reading PoS terminal security and more: first officer’s blog – week 24

Typosquatting, OpenSSL and more: first officer’s log – week 23

First Officer’s log, Terrestrial date, 20221031. Officer of the Deck reporting.   Leaving Starbase 42, the captain authorized maximum sustainable warp to reach [REDACTED] to pick up Lieutenant [REDACTED] and her team. By the time we arrived, the vendors they had been working with had long since departed for their home worlds, and the local security… Continue reading Typosquatting, OpenSSL and more: first officer’s log – week 23

OpenSSL – what is the critical undisclosed vulnerability?

Everyone depends on OpenSSL to secure Transport Layer Security (TLS) on Linux, Unix, Windows and many other operating systems. It’s also used to lock down pretty much every secure communications and networking application and device out there. With it being so ubiquitous, the recent news of a critical Open SSL vulnerability demands our attention. Here’s… Continue reading OpenSSL – what is the critical undisclosed vulnerability?