Vulnerability correlation
Scan data and vulnerability correlation from application, cloud and network assets for a smarter and more efficient approach to cyber risk management.
Managing vulnerabilities on an individual basis in distinct operating siloes is not feasible.
Duplicate data and limited visibility into organization-wide risk means limited understanding of actual risk.
Prioritizing repeat vulnerability scan data leaves organizations without focus on the most critical and impactful cyber risk.
Vulcan Cyber helps you streamline your cyber risk management by correlating vulnerability scan data tied to specific assets and groups. This increases your visibility and improves your security posture without duplicating efforts.
The Vulcan Cyber Clusters feature lets you correlate the common threads that tie multiple vulnerabilities together, allowing you to look at vulnerabilities as related groups rather than specific flaws attached to individual assets.
Vulcan Cyber delivers insights about how a specific patch will reduce your overall risk, and lets you view, prioritize, and take unified action on vulnerabilities impacting the same assets.
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