Vulnerability intelligence
Enrich your vulnerability and cyber risk data with extensive threat context and expert-driven remediation intelligence.
Understanding how to prioritize your vulnerabilities is a critical first step in the risk management lifecycle, but many organizations struggle with what to do next.
No two organizations are the same, and understanding the specific context of how each vulnerability will impact the organization is critical for effectively prioritizing and mitigating potential risk.
Lack of actionable information means too many organizations are still dependent on manual lookups.
Vulcan Cyber aggregates data from a wide range of sources, (threat intelligence, CMDB, EDR, etc.) and automatically enriches your cyber risk data with relevant context.
Vulcan Cyber automatically enriches your data with expert driven remediation intelligence that includes the exact patch, config script, workaround or compensating control you need to fix vulnerabilities the right way.
Vulcan Cyber platform allows you to tag, categorize and ultimately understand the complete picture of your vulnerability scan data, so that you can make smarter decisions about where to focus your efforts, and how.
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