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The real cost of a data breach (according to IBM)

What’s the real cost of a data breach? Cyber security is a game of cat and mouse. Security practitioners and threat actors work to outrun each other, with the ultimate goal of securing – or accessing – critical data. And because so much work goes into protecting assets, practitioners are often stuck in the trenches,… Continue reading The real cost of a data breach (according to IBM)

The Vulcan Vulnerability Digest – Network Security Threats

Over the past couple of weeks, we’ve seen some high profile security threats  that require your immediate attention. In this digest we’ve rounded them all up. Now in order to help you address these threats, I’ve added actionable steps for you to follow in order to mitigate these risks.

Don’t React to the Headlines – Solutions for Cyber Security

Malicious breaches are on the rise and they’re getting more expensive, according to a July 2019 IBM report. An average breach now costs $3.92 million, with larger breaches costing over $100 million before penalties. Vulnerabilities are increasing with roughly 1,000 new ones reported per month. Meanwhile, there’s a shortage of cybersecurity workers; in the US… Continue reading Don’t React to the Headlines – Solutions for Cyber Security